Our Mission

Maison Secours aux Femmes is Montreal-based shelter for women experiencing conjugal violence and their children. Our mission is to meet their needs while helping to reduce conjugal violence in Quebec.


We provide women experiencing conjugal violence and their children with safe housing 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.


We provide them with all the resources needed to support them in their efforts, defend their rights and help them regain control over their lives.


We help raise Quebec society’s awareness about the problems of conjugal violence to better prevent, identify and counter it.

Our History

Maison Secours aux Femmes was founded in 1983 by the Latin American Women’s Group, thanks to a grant from Canada’s Ministry of Employment and Immigration.

Five years after its incorporation in 1984, the organization acquired a house to increase its accommodation capacity and to enhance its hosting conditions.

Since 2009, a non-resident service, located outside the shelter, makes it possible to specifically address the needs of former residents and non-residents.

Our Organization

The Board of Directors

Maison Secours aux Femmes is a non-profit organization managed by a board of directors made up of six volunteers elected for two years and a delegate from the work team.

The members of the Board of Directors oversee the fulfillment of our mission. Each member stands out for their enthusiasm, professionalism and involvement.

The Team

Maison Secours aux Femmes relies on a dynamic and experienced team. Every day, our advocates strive to provide women experiencing conjugal violence with personalized support, based on kindness and respect.

  • Six women’s advocates
  • One mother-child and teen advocate
  • One child advocate
  • Two women’s advocates and one mother-child advocate for former residents and non-residents
  • Several advocates available on call
  • An operations manager
  • A coordinator
  • An administrative assistant
  • An employee in charge of housekeeping and physical equipment

Our Sources of Funding

Our organization is subsidized by the Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux through the community organization support program (PSOC). We also depend on the generosity of our donors (individuals, companies, foundations, unions, etc.) to sustain our operations and develop our activities.

Maison Secours aux Femmes’ New Look

In 2023, for the creation of its very first website, Maison Secours aux Femmes redesigned its logo.
The new logo is simplified but still depicts the organization’s values and mission. Building on the original logo, this new version highlights the concepts of hosting and supporting, symbolized by the planet and its enmeshed rings, a warmer colour palette and the word “Maison” (House), which is enhanced by a bold typeface.

The new website and the updated logo enhance the availability of the services of Maison Secours aux Femmes for all women in need while giving the shelter a more modern image.

Our Partners

We work in close collaboration with several organizations and public institutions that work with women experiencing conjugal violence:

Maison Secours aux Femmes is also a member of the following organizations:

Want to support what we do?