Family Law
Family law regulates legal relationships in a family. It lays down all the rules encompassing separation, divorce, parenting arrangements, child custody, spousal support and property division.
It is essential for abused women to understand these rules, which are often quite complex, in order to be able to regain control over their life.
Separation and Divorce
Separation occurs when a couple decides to no longer live together. It does not require a court decision to be official. However, a couple may resort to a court decision to settle certain matters.
Divorce occurs when a court officially puts an end to a marriage. The married spouses must therefore take legal steps to formalize it.
Parenting Arrangements
In the event of separation, the dissolution of a civil union or a divorce, parents must establish “parenting arrangements,” intended to define how they will take care of their children. These concern, among other things, the place they will live, the school they will attend, their extracurricular activities, etc.
At the federal level, the Divorce Act sets out the rules governing parenting arrangements for parents who divorce. In Quebec, similar rules exist for unmarried parents and married parents who separate without filing for divorce.
According to the law, parenting arrangements must be established in the best interests of the children.
Justice Services
Ex-partners don’t always agree on the partition of property, spousal support and parenting arrangements. In such cases, they can go to court to have a judge rule on the matter.
However, such procedures can turn out to be expensive, long and/or stressful. To try to avoid having to get the courts involved, family justice services are available to help make decisions and settle disputes.
There are several types of family justice services, such as:
Information and resource centres offer free information on family law and legal proceedings. They can also provide support to people in need in their proceedings and/or point them toward appropriate legal and community resources.
Parent education programs offer emotional support and assist people who need support in their parenting role during a separation. They are offered by lawyers or social workers.
This page provides general information on the law in force in Quebec and the available resources. Under no circumstances does it constitute legal advice. For more information, please feel free to contact us or consult a lawyer.