Our Services
Maison Secours aux Femmes offers housing, support and awareness-raising services to help women who are victims of conjugal violence and their children.
We provide them with all the resources needed to ensure their safety and to help them defend their rights and regain control over their lives.
Hosting and Supporting
You at the Shelter
Non-Resident and
Post-Shelter Support
Since 2009, two women’s advocates and one mother-child advocate are fully dedicated to supporting former shelter residents and non-residents.
Raising Awareness
in the Community
Maison Secours aux Femmes raises public awareness in Quebec about the problem of conjugal violence. Victim advocates regularly organize information sessions intended for the general public, government agencies and other workers in the legal or social services fields (police officers, lawyers, social workers, medical services, legal services, community groups, women’s centres, immigrant help centres, etc.).