Financial Assistance

Find out what financial assistance is available in Quebec to support women who are victims of conjugal violence.

When her safety is compromised, an abused woman may request emergency financial assistance to be able to quickly leave her home. This assistance can also cover certain medical services.

Compensation for Crime Victims (IVAC) is financial assistance intended to compensate for loss of income or expenses related to criminal offences: reimbursement for the cost of drugs, childcare expenses, moving expenses, etc.

Women who are victims of conjugal violence can benefit from social assistance if their income or savings do not allow them to provide for their basic needs. To be eligible, they must meet certain criteria: financial situation, eligibility for other financial assistance programs (employment insurance, support payments, etc.), conjugal situation, age, residency status, etc.

Legal aid allows people with moderate incomes to access the services of a lawyer, either for free or at low cost. Legal aid also includes court registration fees and interpretation fees.

Following a separation, women who are victims of conjugal violence and meet the eligibility criteria may apply for the Canada Child Benefit (CCB). The CCB is a tax-free monthly payment issued by the Government of Canada to help these women provide for the needs of their children under the age of 18.

In Quebec, a woman with a dependent child under the age of 18 can also apply for the Family Allowance.

Women who are victims of conjugal violence and who are being housed in a women’s shelter can benefit from a special monthly assistance of $100.